How it works


Owner lists an item

Add a few pictures and tell us the story of your product listing. It's a convenient way to earn a few extra dollars.


Renter searches for items

Everybody wants to rent things at a fair price.


Renter requests to rent item

Looks like you've found the perfect option!


Owner accepts the request

And you've found someone who could use that ol' thing (better dust it off).


Owner and Renter meet up

Consider this the first of many great interactions. Here's where the item changes hands.

Of course...

Renter uses the item for the specified time

And it works exactly as hoped!


Renter returns the item

This is where the owner asks "How was it?" and the renter gets to share their experience.

Last but not least

Owner gets paid!

Ukuu takes care of all the payment processing so it's a hassle-free experience for everyone.