Owner agreement

Ukuu wants you to have a safe, enjoyable, and memorable experience while interacting and supplying items on our platform. In order to provide that experience to you and other users, we ask that you read and follow the summary below. Like the list below, there is a Renter Agreement that protects you as an item owner.

Below is a brief summary of your responsibilities as an item supplier on Ukuu. For our full and complete set of rules, regulations, and limitations, please visit our Terms of Use page.

  1. Interpersonal Courtesy – All Ukuu users are expected to act with respect, be honest, and stay punctual. This applies to other users your interact with, items you supply or handle, and Ukuu representatives. Give everyone else the courtesy you would expect to receive online and in person.
    1. Be Nice!
      Anyone found in violation of Ukuu’s Terms of Use including engaging in hate speech, harmful or disrespectful conduct, harassment, etc. may have their account restricted and upcoming transactions cancelled at the discretion of an Ukuu employee. Multiple or particularly egregious offenses may result in a permanent ban from using Ukuu services.
    2. Be Safe!
      Like any online interaction, engaging with individuals you do not personally know entails some risk. Take precautions agains scams by asking meaningful questions to verify the legitimacy and intent of a user and limit the personal details you share. When exchanging an item, select a safe public space.
    3. Be Aware!
      It is your responsibility to verify that the renter who has requested your item is capable of operating it safely and responsibly and that they will return the item (and themselves) safely at the end of the transaction. Do not supply items that require a license without verifying that the renter has a valid and active license. Assess whether or not you trust the renter with your items before allowing them to drive away with it – ultimately, it’s for their safety and the safety of others.
  2. Item Care – Your items are your responsibility
    1. Pictures Protect You!
      Take pictures of the item you are supplying at the time that the renter picks it up and when it is being returned. Document the condition of the item including any existing damages so that any investigation that may need to be conducted can be handled quickly and fairly.
    2. Be Responsible!
      Maintenance and upkeep of your item is your responsibility, and it must be in full working order to be listed. If your item cannot be used as intended by its original manufacturer, do not list it for rent. You are also responsible for disclosing any issues with the item you are supplying including any pre-existing damages in the listing. If the item renter, anything, or anyone else are harmed or damaged by a malfunction caused by an unsafe or unmaintained item, you are the one responsible for it.
  3. Payments & Charges – You will be paid by Ukuu a set period of time after the rental is successfully completed
    1. We Earn Together!
      Ukuu tries to be fair about how much we charge per transaction. To cover our costs of operation, we take a minimum of $5 USD per transaction plus an additional percentage of any remaining amount (usually about 10%). Charges vary depending on several factors including the type of item being rented and demand, but you can rest assured that we aim to give you as much as we can for the items you supply.
    2. Damages are Covered!
      If an item you supply is damaged or left unreturned during a rental, you will be reimbursed (partially or fully) for repairs or replacement – pending an investigation. These charges are taken from the renter’s deposit amount and potentially additional charges. It is your responsibility to notify Ukuu of any damages or unreturned items in a timely manner in order to be covered. Notify Ukuu immediately if any cases like these arise.
  4. Timeliness – Being on-time and communicating with the renter are important, so you may be charged for tardiness or miscommunication
    1. Be Punctual!
      The Ukuu platform allows you to schedule times and communicate directly so that expectations can be set fairly for both you and the renter. Missing the agreed upon times for pickup and drop off will incur repercussions including the potential to have your account suspended or restricted.
    2. Only Accept What You Can Supply!
      Ukuu allows multiple requests for the same item at the same time. This is to ensure you have the opportunity to pick the best rental agreement for your schedule and needs. Given that, it is your responsibility to coordinate the timing of transactions to ensure each accepted transaction can be reasonably supplied. Do not take on more transactions than you can actually supply.


By supplying items on Ukuu, you are agreeing to abide by the agreement above. So please, be kind and enjoy Ukuu!